Browse scholarly evidence gathered from archeology, history, biology, and mathematics, all of which points to the truth of the Bible

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Learn more about the purpose of life and the wisdom of God

Who are we?

We are an apologetics ministry that wants to share the Good News of the Gospel and provide you with the evidence supporting it! Jesus Christ is God. He came to Earth nearly 2,000 years ago to die for our sins. Because of this, He has forgiven us for our sins and allowed us to know God personally. You can find the evidence for all this here.

Evidence that Points to Love

It’s not cold evidence pointing to some rigid explanation of the universe. Quite the opposite. It’s invigorating evidence pointing to a gracious God who died for the sins of the world.

Get the evidence

A collection of informative and compelling evidence from a variety of sources.

find the truth

See the truth that has been hidden and controversial in our modern world.

receive god’s grace

Proclaim Jesus as Lord of your life and gain entrance into eternal life through God’s Grace.

obtain a higher purpose 

Having a genuine relationship with God can give you the real purpose for life we all seek.

The ‘way’ of Salvation

The world says that you can be a good person and make it to heaven by doing good deeds. If only it were that easy…

Good person?

No one is good. We all have done bad and sinned at some point. Doing good deeds is not enough.

How do you define good?

Without reference to a higher authority, like the Bible, anything we choose can be good or bad.

only one way

Jesus is the only way into heaven . No other person or religion can take you to eternal joy in heaven. 

broad is the way to hell

We don’t anyone to go to hell. It is an awful place full of desolation. Choose Jesus and heaven instead!

Get saved! It will only take a minute

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As seen in the short video above, faith and evidence are not two opposing forces in the discovery of truth. Evidence leads to faith. That is what our website is about: Helping you get the evidence for Christianity that leads to the saving faith in the […]
Put together nearly 2000 years ago, the Bible we have today is the same as the original. Why? Because we have proof in early manuscripts, from shortly after Jesus’ death, that are almost identical to what we have today. Muslims like to say that the Bible […]

Our Sources

Wise and God-fearing men who provide excellent answers to arguments the Bible

The Risen Lord Jesus

Our Lord and Saviour who died on the cross to wash away the stain of sin on the world

Ken Ham

Disproved Darwinian evolution and founded Answers in Genesis

Ron Wyatt

Archaeologist who found the Bibilical sites of Noah’s Ark, Sodom and Gomorrah, Mt. Sinai 

John Lennox

Credible Christian apologist who gives excellent reasons for believing in God and the Bible

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